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“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” The book covers 21 principles that will help you to become a more powerful and effective leader. These principles are based on Maxwell’s insights from over 40 years of leadership successes, mistakes, and observations of leaders in business, politics, sports, military, and more.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• Why leadership is critical at both personal and organizational levels;
• The 21 laws of leadership, including: the Law of the Lid, the Law of Influence, The Law of Process, The Law of Navigation, The Law of Addition, The Law of Solid Ground, The Law of Respect, The Law of Magnetism, and more; and
• Specific principles with recommended actions that you can apply immediately for each of the 21 laws, to start improving your leadership and influence.
Who should read this:
• Leaders, Managers, and Executives
• Anyone interested in improving your leadership and influence.
From $9.97