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By T-Harv Eker
In this book, Eker outlines how to identify and revise your money blueprint, to significantly increase your income and accumulate wealth. Using these principles, Eker personally moved from nothing to millionaire in 2½ years. The idea is to combine your inner mind game (your tool box) with your outer game (the tools) to get rich.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• What your money blueprint is and how it’s affecting your default level of wealth;
The 3 sources of programming behind your blueprint, and how to reset your financial thermostat using 4 powerful elements;
• How to use Declarations to supercharge your re-programming; and
• The 17 ways that rich people think and act differently: learn the specific declarations and “millionaire mind actions” to convert your “poverty files” to “wealth files”.
Who should read this:
• People facing challenges with money or financial management;
• Anyone interested in affirmations, building a wealth mindset, and abundance.
From $9.97
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