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By Michael J. Gelb
Leonardo da Vinci is considered by many to be the greatest genius of all time. He was simultaneously a world-class artist, architect, scientist, inventor, engineer, accomplished cook and also played musical instruments at a professional level. The book presents 7 principles to help you model Leonardo’s creativity and learning skills, so you can think creatively, sharpen your mind, expand your self-expression, liberate your intelligence, and fulfill your true potential.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• Why your brain is better than you think; and
• How to unleash the 7 Da Vincian principles—Curiosita, Dimostrazione, Sensazione, Sfumato, Arte/Scienza, Corporalita, Connessione—with specific ideas for application to your daily life.
Who should read this:
• Writers, designers, artists, innovators and other people involved in creative or innovative work.
• Anyone interested in personal development and lifelong learning.
From $9.97
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