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by Liz Wiseman
Based on research of more than 150 executives across 4 continents, Liz Wiseman discovered that leaders can be placed on a spectrum between two extremes: Multipliers vs Diminishers. Multipliers amplify the results of people around them, while Diminishers reduce others’ results. This book provides a detailed breakdown of the characteristics and behaviors of Multipliers vs Diminishers, with specific strategies and tips that you can start applying to become a Multiplier, manage Diminishers, and cultivate other Multipliers around you.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• The 5 disciplines of Multipliers, including the differences in behaviors and practices between Multipliers and Diminishers. Get specific strategies and experiments to start cultivating each discipline;
• What’s an “Accidental Diminisher“, recognize such tendencies in yourself and others, and know how you can respond to them;
• Strategies and approaches for managing Diminishers around you, including your boss;
• Strategies and tips to accelerate your leadership growth and develop a Multiplier culture.
Who should read this:
• Leaders, managers and aspiring leaders
• Anyone keen to improve their leadership skills and team/organizational results
From $9.97
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