Expert Secrets

EXPERT SECRETS: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World

by Russell Brunson

Have you ever considered how to maximize the returns and impact from your knowledge, expertise, and passions?  This book is a detailed step-by-step guide that explains how to package your know-how in a way that builds you a sustainable income stream and/or grow your existing business more quickly.

In this summary, you’ll learn:

• What is an “expert business”, and how you can use your expertise to help others, earn extra income and/or scale your business.

• How to identify your niche and cultivate the 3 essential ingredients to start a mass-movement: (i) become a charismatic leader that others want to follow, (ii) present a future-based cause that resonates with your followers, and (iii) create a valuable opportunity that people want to learn and pay for.

• How to get your audience’s buy-in with a “Big Domino Statement”, change their perspectives with “Epiphany Bridge Stories”, and address objections or false beliefs.

• How to monetize your expertise by creating an irresistible offer using “stack slides”, run a perfect webinar (or presentation / email series), master the art of effective storytelling and effective closes, and build/optimize your funnel.

Who should read this:
• Entrepreneurs, business owners, content creators and marketers looking to grow their business or build a loyal audience base faster
• Aspiring influencers and thought leaders, or anyone who wants to package your knowledge into profitable offers

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