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by Ryan Holiday
Everyone encounters obstacles. The challenge is to overcome those obstacles, convert them to opportunities and strengths, and live to your full potential. In this book, Ryan Holiday explains how to turn adversity to advantage with 3 key disciplines: Perception, Action and Will. These are broken down into 3 disciplines:
• Perception: how you look at your problems;
• Action: how to tackle problems in actionable parts; and
• Will: how to cultivate and maintain your inner being to conquer problems and difficulties..
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• How you can manage your perception: to calmly and objectively evaluate what’s happening, look for opportunities, and actions within your control;
• How you can make the most of any situation, take concrete actions to confront your obstacles and cut them down to size;
• How you can cultivate the inner will and power to endure and prevail in face of repeated and unexpected trials in life; and
• The inspiration and insights from the real-life stories of famous people and historical characters.
Who should read this:
• Anyone interested in achieving success and maximizing your potential/fulfillment; and
• People who’re struggling with obstacles in all aspects of life.
From $9.97
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