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by Josh Kaufman
Have you heard that it takes 10,000 hours to learn to something really well? That’s untrue. You might need 10,000 hours’ practice to become an expert at something, but you can certainly pick up a new skill in just 20 hours. In this book, Josh Kaufman shares how you can use “rapid skill acquisition” to develop any skill in just 20 hours.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• What is rapid skill acquisition, and how it differs from traditional education, learning, or training;
• How to use 4 steps (with additional learning principles) to learn a new skill within 20 hours of focused, deliberate practice; and
• Practical examples to show how to apply the method across a range of physical and cognitive skills, from yoga to programming and wind-surfing.
Who should read this:
• Teachers, educators, trainers, business leaders and people in people development roles.
• Anyone who wishes to improve your learning ability.
From $9.97
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