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by Dan Buettner
Would you like to live a long life, and stay healthy/active even in your old age? There are 5 Blue Zones around the world where a larger percentage of people live to 100 and beyond, the population remains active in their 80s and 90s, and don’t typically suffer from common degenerative diseases. Despite their differences in genes, environment and lifestyle, the centennials in these regions share 9 common denominators. By applying these longevity practices to your life, you too can improve your health and life expectancy!
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• How the people in each of the 5 Blue Zones live, think and eat: Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), Loma Linda (California, USA), Nicoya (Costa Rica) and Ikaria (Greece);
• The 9 longevity practices (The Power 9) that’s common to all the 5 Blue Zones, and learn practical strategies that can be adopted in modern industrialized societies; and
• How you can create your Personal Blue Zone, build lifestyle habits and an ecosystem to improve your own health and longevity.
Who should read this:
• Anyone who’s interested to improve your health and life expectancy
• People working in the health and wellness industries
From $9.97
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