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by Andrew S. Grove
In this book, former Chairman and CEO of Intel, Andrew Grove, captures the practical, timeless management insights from his years of experience founding and growing Intel. Specifically, he focuses on how to increase managerial output by (i) using an output-oriented approach based on established production principles, (ii) exercising managerial leverage to increase all the teams under your supervision or influence, and (iii) helping every team member to operate at his/her personal best.
The book is written primarily for middle managers, but the insights are relevant for leaders and managers at any level. These include people who oversee a team or teams, as well as people who influence others’ work through their knowledge and expertise (even if they don’t have a formal supervisory role).
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• About proven production principles, including how to map out your production process, remove key constraints, use indicators to manage multiple moving parts, fix problems at the earliest possible stage, and maintain slack for contingencies;
• The 3 key roles of a manager, and how to exercise managerial leverage to increase your productivity. Specifically, you’ll learn specific strategies and tips to work faster, increase the leverage of your existing activities and shift from low-leverage to high-leverage activities.
• How you can use hybrid organizations and 3 modes of control to organize and manage people optimally, with the goal of increasing mutual-support and team output.
• The ways to bring out peak performance in every team member by improving both their capability and motivation, and how to master the art of performance management.
Who should read this:
• Managers and leaders at any level of an organization
• Entrepreneurs, business owners, consultants, trainers and people developers
From $9.97
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