Dare to Lead

DARE TO LEAD: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

By Brené Brown

In any organization, the fear of failure and shame can lead people to hold back ideas, avoid risks and tough conversations. This stifles learning and creativity to hinder success in a world that demands continuous innovation. Based on 2 decades of research and real-life experience, Brené Brown discovered the antidote to fear and shame: brave leaders who are willing and able to face uncertainty and vulnerability head-on, and teach their teams to do the same. In this book, Brené Brown presents the 4 courage-building skill sets that can be nurtured in any individual and organization.  She combines insights from her latest research and those from her previous books (including The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, and Rising Strong), to explain how you can become a daring leader and build courageous cultures.

In this summary, you’ll learn:
• How to rumble with vulnerability, i.e. to have the courage to enter into conversations that make you feel vulnerable. Learn the myths about vulnerability, the tools you can use to have open conversations, how to shift from 16 types of armored leadership to brave leadership, how to move from shame to empathy, and how to build grounded confidence.
• About your values and learn how to live into your values—both individually and as a team/ organization.
• How to use the the BRAVING Inventory to build trust with 7 specific behaviors.
• To equip yourself with the skills to bounce back from failures, i.e. learn to rise.

Who should read this:
• Leaders who wish to lead more wholeheartedly and create an open, innovative and collaborative culture
• Anyone interested to improve your relationships, leadership skills and self-worth

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