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by Neil Pasricha
Do you know of people who just don’t feel happy despite their career or personal successes? In this book, Neil Pasricha shares the insights he gathered after years of researching and testing models and practical ideas for rejuvenation and improving one’s happiness levels. Learn the 9 secrets of the Happiness Equation, which will help you to want nothing, do anything, and have everything!
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• How to find contentment with these 3 secrets: Be happy first, Do it for you, and Remember the lottery.
• How to gain freedom with these 3 secrets: Never retire, Overvalue you, and Create space; and
• How to be feel truly joyful with these 3 final secrets: Just do it, Be you, and Don’t take advice
Who should read this:
• People interested in personal and spiritual growth.
• Anyone who wants to become more clear and focused, peaceful and happy.
From $9.97
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