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by Mel Robbins
All of us have experienced moments when we feel a strong urge to do something we know we should—be it reaching out to a friend in need, speaking up in a meeting, or embarking on a meaningful project. Yet, we hesitate and fail to seize the moment or opportunity. In this book, Mel Robbins shares a simple but powerful method (the 5 Second Rule) to help you take decisive action, build confidence and courage, and achieve success in any area of life.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• What is the 5 Second Rule, and the scientific foundations that explain why/how it works; and
• Specific tips and examples on how you can use the Rule to improve health, enhance productivity, overcome procrastination, build positive habits, overcome worries/anxieties/fears, increase self-confidence, discover your passions and enrich your relationships.
Who should read this:
• Peopel who struggle with procrastination, indecisiveness, or are emotional challenges like excessive worry and fear.
• Anyone who wants to become more confident, decisive, and effective in all aspects of life.
From $9.97
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