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by Derek Cabrera and Laura Cabrera
To understand and address complex problems, we need to think in terms of systems. This book by Derek Cabrera and Laura Cabrera presents 4 powerful rules that anyone—from school children to rocket scientists—can apply to learn, practice, and master systems thinking, improve your personal/professional effectiveness, and solve everyday challenges and wicked problems.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• What are wicked problems and what makes them so hard to solve;
• The 4 DSRP rules (Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, Perspectives), and how to apply them in daily and advanced settings.
• How you can organize, structure, and visualize your content to better understanding an issue, make structural predictions, solve problems, become a systems thinker and build systems thinking organizations.
Who should read this:
• Leaders, analysts, decision-makers, and educators
• Anyone interested to improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills
From $9.97
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