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by Keith Ferrazzi
The rich get richer not just because of their financial resources, but because they have well-connected friends and associates who share valuable advice and open doors to the right people and opportunities. It’s like being part of a privileged club. In this detailed guidebook, Keith Ferrazzi shares specific strategies and tips so you too can join the club, become a highly-accomplished connector, and build meaningful relationships that fulfill your professional/personal goals while concurrently helping others.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• The right foundation with the right mindset behind networking. Learn how to build deep, meaningful relationships by adding value and helping others to succeed.
• The various skillsets required to become an effective networker, and learn specific strategies, approaches and tips to start opening doors, making connections and nurturing your relationships.
• Develop and broadcast your personal brand, and convert your connections into true friends and compatriots; and
• How to connect upward to important people, reach out downward to help others who haven’t yet “made it”, expand and maintain your network.
Who should read this:
• Leaders and people developers
• Anyone who wants to improve your relationship-building, networking and people skills
From $9.97
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