Crucial Confrontations

CRUCIAL CONFRONTATIONS: Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations, and Bad Behavior

By Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler

How do you deal with disappointments, when others break promises, flout rules, miss expectations, or simply behave badly? This could involve a CFO who’s suspected of embezzling company funds, an employee who’s chronically late, or a daughter who lies about her late nights out. Such failed promises, missed expectations and poor behaviors can create feelings of disappointment that compound into chronic problems for families, teams and organizations. This book equips you with the skills to confront disappointing performance and behaviors, so you can solve problems, improve accountability, and strengthen relationships.

In this summary, you’ll learn:
• How you can effectively manage disappointing situations, when people behave badly, under-perform, break rules or don’t keep their promises;
• How to identify the right issue to address in a complex situation, and how to master your own biases and stories;
When you should make a stand vs remain silent;
• How to create a safe space for your conversation, and address the gap/ present your views without antagonizing others;
• How to motivate others to want to take action and stick to their commitment;
• How to handle the conversation when things make an unexpected turn or new issues crop up; and
• How to follow up effectively to get the desired results.

Who should read this:
• Leaders, managers, and executives.
• Anyone who wants to improve their communications skills, relationships, and be able to handle sensitive conversations effectively

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