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by Greg Crabtree (with Beverly Blair Harzog)
Many entrepreneurs struggle to understand and manage their finances. In this book, Greg Crabtree simplifies business finance, and presents 4 profit levers to help you make smart business decisions and grow a profitable business. The insights are ideal for small businesses (from startups to $5mil revenue), though they’re also applicable for larger businesses with >$5mil revenue.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• The 4 common financial problems that small businesses face, and learn how to use 4 keys to profitability to build a strong foundation;
• The difference between owners’ salary and equity, why owners’ wages can distort your financial numbers, and when/how to use “sweat equity”;
• Why you should aim for pretax profits of 10-15% revenue, how to survive the Black Hole and grow profitably;
• How to calculate/manage your “salary cap” and use labor productivity to drive profits
• How to master 4 components of cash flow (tax, debt, working capital and profit distribution); and
• How to set up your financial systems so you have simple but accurate numbers to make sound decisions.
Who should read this:
• Entrepreneurs, Business owners and leaders, financial managers and executives
• Business consultants and anyone interested in business finance
From $9.97
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