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by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. & Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.
When children misbehave badly, parents tend to get so angry that they just react on impulse to scold, lecture or punish. Unfortunately, this only leads to even more drama. No-drama discipline uses a whole-brain approach to discipline your child in a respectful and nurturing way. This allows you to set clear boundaries, develop the child’s social-emotional skills and deepen your relationship.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• To rethink and redefine “discipline” as a way to teach and nurture (not punish or show consequence). Know the difference between loving attention vs permissiveness or indulgence, and why you should spanking and time-outs.
• How the brain works/grows in children, the 3Cs of a child’s brain, and the implications for child discipline and development;
• The principles, frameworks and tips for the Connect, then Redirect strategy, including: the Why-What-How approach, the H-A-L-T approach, 3 no-drama connection principles, 4 connection strategies, and 8 redirection strategies; and
• How to combine insight and empathy to develop mindsight in children.
Who should read this:
• Parents, teachers, educators, caregivers, and therapists working with children.
• Anyone who wants to improve their parenting skills or learn more about child development]
From $9.97
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