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By Jordan B. Peterson
Human beings don’t like rules and restraint. Yet, we need structure in our lives, which is impossible without rules. With the rise of secularism and nihilism, there’s also a growing sense of emptiness and instability.  After years of research across various topics ranging from history to religion, mythology, neuroscience and psychology, Jordan Peterson developed 12 rules of life to help you live with meaning and purpose, and re-establish direction and order in your life.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• The duality of Order and Chaos and why we need rules in order to live with freedom and purpose; and
• The 12 Rules of Life that can help you to live with meaning, purpose and fulfillment, including: Fix your posture, Care for yourself, Stick with the right people, Beat your own game, Teach your children to abide by society’s rules, Get your house in order, Go for purpose (not expedience), Find and live your personal truth, Learn to be a good listener, Define your problem precisely, Accept that inequality exists, and Appreciate the good things in life.
Who should read this:
• Leaders, parents, educators, coaches and people developers
• People who’re feeling lost or seeking direction/purpose in life
From $9.97
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