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by David Jenyns
Systems are a company’s greatest asset. SYSTEMology® is a blueprint to systemize any business to make it reliable and saleable. It’s ideal for small/medium businesses that have achieved product-market fit and have at least a small team whose efforts and know-how can be replicated.
In this summary, you’ll learn:
• The strategy to systematize your business in 4 stages: from survival to stationary, scaleable, and saleable.
• The 7 phases to systemize your business to eliminate single person dependency and free up time for strategic growth, creativity, and profits. Get specific tips and templates to guide you through every step of your systemization process!
Who should read this:
• Entrepreneurs and business owners looking who wish to grow their business and free up their time;
• People who’re interested in business operations, and want to learn about efficiency, reliability, and business systemization.
From $9.97
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