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6 Best Team-Building Books to Build Winning Teams

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In our rapidly changing world, do traditional organizational models still work? What does it take to build strong tribes, synergistic teams and a winning culture? If you believe in great teamwork and the power of winning teams, then you’ll love these 6 best teamwork books–together they’ll equip you with the insights, structures and tools to help you build cohesive, adaptable teams and organizations for the modern world. 

No time to read them all? Click on the links below to read our free summaries of these best teamwork books, or get our detailed infographic, text and audio summaries for all 6 books here!

Best Teamwork Books - 6 book recommendations

Top 6 Best Teamwork Books to Read


Best Teamwork Books - Reinventing Organizations
Over the centuries, as human beings and societies evolve, our organizational models have also changed. We’ve now entered a new paradigm with higher levels of consciousness than ever before. This book shares how a new generation of organizations have managed to overcome bureaucracy, silos and infighting, allow people to do meaningful work and develop their full potential, and  grow in a sustainable way. Find out how you, too, can reinvent your organization. Read the Reinventing Organizations free summary here, or get the full infographic/ text/ audio summary bundle here.


Best Teamwork Books - Team of Teams

General Stanley McChrystal uncovered the “Team of Teams” model when he led a special task force to counter the growing threat of Al Qaeda in Iraq. This book explains (i) the differences between complicated vs complex environments, (ii) the pros and cons of different organizational structures and the environments they’re most suited for, and (iii) how you can replicate the agility and dynamism of a small integrated teams on a large scale, both within your organization and with partner organizations. This model is applicable to all sorts of complex environments for profit, non-profit and governmental organizations.  Read the Team of Teams free summary here, or get the full infographic/ text/ audio summary bundle here.


Best Teamwork Books - Work Rules!

Google has set new benchmarks for what is means to grow, innovate and become a lifestyle brand with a global impact. The question is, what can we learn from Google’s phenomenal success? In this book, Laszlo Bock (former VP of People Operations in Google, Inc) shares his insider perspective on what makes Google tick and how you and your company can duplicate some of these winning ideas, from building a “high-freedom culture” to hiring and managing top talents, to revamping organizational learning.   Read the Work Rules! free summary here, or get the full infographic/ text/ audio summary bundle here.



Overcoming the five dysfunctions of a team summary - book summary bundleGreat teams are hard to build, but the right teams can deliver seemingly-impossible results, and become a source of sustainable competitive advantage in today’s rapidly changing world. The key is to convert 5 elements that typically cripple teams, into 5 elements of success, each laying the foundation for the next ingredient. This book breaks down specifically how you can build trust, master conflicts, achieve commitment, embrace accountability and focus on results in your teams. Probably one of the best teamwork books you can find! Read Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team free summary here, or get the full infographic/ text/ audio summary bundle here.


Best Teamwork Books - The Ideal Team Player
Assuming you can build the 5 sets of critical behaviors (above) for great teams, you’ll still need to find the the ideal team players. Specifically, there are 3 key virtues that make it easier for team members to embrace the 5 behaviors. This book explains how you can identify and cultivate these 3 essential virtues of an ideal team player: smart, humble, hungry. Read The Ideal Team Player free summary here, or get the full infographic/ text/ audio summary bundle here.


Best Teamwork Books - The Culture Code
Why do some groups perform at a level beyond the sum of their individual parts while others perform below that? How are great cultures built and sustained?  This book answers these questions to show how a great culture is formed. Specifically, there are 3 fundamental skills that can be learned and nurtured to cultivate strong cultures: building safety, sharing vulnerability, and establishing purpose. Read The Culture Code free summary here, or get the full infographic/ text/ audio summary bundle here.

So there you are, the 6 of the best teamwork books to build winning teams and organizations in our new, dynamic world. Do read all 6 books if possible, as they cover different aspects of great team-building including organizational structure and culture, team players, team dynamics, performance management, etc.

If you can’t decide which ones to read, then get all 6 summary bundles!  Or, subscribe for all Readingraphics summaries from just $5.81 per month!

Best Teamwork Books - ReadinGraphics summaries


Looking for book recommendations for other areas, topics or challenges?  Check out our visual book map for the best books to read here.

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