Have you ever been impressed by someone who is crystal-clear about his beliefs, principles and values, yet can relate to and connect with people from different…
Many people try to get rich by emulating multi-billionaire Warren Buffett's investment strategy. There's great, though they miss (or choose to ignore) an important ingredient…
You may have heard the saying, "You create your own reality." This idea suggests that our thoughts and actions shape our outcomes. While external factors…
If you enjoy business strategy books like Blue Ocean Strategy, Good to Great and Built to Last, then you wouldn’t want to miss Jim Collins’ pick of whom he considers…
Are you reading this article while watching the TV or engaged on Facebook/ Twitter? Multi-tasking has become a norm in our lives. However, rather than…
Markets have become more global, people more mobile, and talent harder to retain. If you are managing a team, running your own business, and/or working…
Have you wondered why some companies and executives are so crystal clear and persuasive in their strategies while others leave you grappling with what they…
Six Thinking Hats® by Edward de Bono is a powerful technique that helps us to explore different perspectives towards a complex situation or challenge. It…
In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey presents a holistic and principle-centered approach to achieve success through positive change from within. Covey’s…
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill is one of those success classics that never grow old. Unlike so many modern finance/ investment/ wealth hacks, Hill…
In "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill shares timeless principles of success consciousness, which were the outcome of more than 20 years of research of…