How do you maintain a healthy relationship with your partner? When we first fall in love, we go through a “honeymoon phase” where everything seems…
MarianneJuly 12, 2024
Do your conversations with your partner lead to misunderstandings? Do you wish you could have a conversation that doesn't end up in an argument? In…
ReadingraphicsMay 4, 2024
Have you ever found it hard to convey a message effectively at work? Do you sometimes misread what someone else is saying or struggle to…
ReadingraphicsApril 21, 2024
Ever rolled your eyes at someone and thought to yourself "What an idiot"? Well, you are certainly not alone! When someone cannot understand you or…
ReadingraphicsSeptember 30, 2022
Difficult conversations are anything you have difficulty talking about, e.g. ending a relationship, asking for a pay-raise, or addressing a hurtful behavior. They are a…
ReadingraphicsApril 29, 2020
Meetings are an essential part of our work. Great meetings help people to pool resources and knowledge to solve problems and make sound decisions. However,…
ReadingraphicsOctober 20, 2017
How do you deal with topics that are sensitive yet important to you? Your daily interactions can hold pivotal moments, with outcomes that affect the…
ReadingraphicsJanuary 30, 2017