Do you sometimes wonder why some people seem to achieve success effortlessly while others struggle at every turn? The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph…
ReadingraphicsMay 30, 2024
Do you feel frustrated trying to come up with new ideas or finish your most important projects? In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield explores…
ReadingraphicsMay 30, 2024
Did you know that your brain can rewire itself based on your thoughts and experiences? This concept, known as neuroplasticity, is at the heart of…
ReadingraphicsFebruary 29, 2024
Human potential is infinite. There are no limits on your creativity, imagination, and abilities, except those that you impose on yourself. Limitless by Jim Kwik…
ReadingraphicsDecember 30, 2023
Ever wondered what it takes to push past the limits of human endurance? “Can’t Hurt Me” is a memoir by David Goggins—a retired Navy SEAL, a…
ReadingraphicsNovember 29, 2023
The book answers the question “How can you achieve real happiness?” using insights from Adlerian psychology. The authors Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga challenge us…
ReadingraphicsAugust 29, 2023
Have you ever noticed that when everything in your life is going well, something always happens to bring you back down? It could be a…
ReadingraphicsJune 30, 2023
Most people cruise through life. They earn enough to make pay their bills and occasionally dream of a better life. Yet, they don’t actually do…
ReadingraphicsMay 20, 2023
This is a step-by-step guide to Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal Method (or BuJo for short). This is an analog journaling system that combines productivity and…
ReadingraphicsMarch 30, 2023
All of us have moments when we struggle to absorb new information or recall something important. This book is a step-by-step guide by Tiago Forte…
ReadingraphicsJanuary 12, 2023
We talk to ourselves all the time. Yet, we don’t realize that much of what we tell ourselves is negative or counter-productive. This book by…
ReadingraphicsNovember 29, 2022
The imposter syndrome occurs when people believe that they’re not worthy of success and lack the skills, competence or intelligence expected of them. As a…
ReadingraphicsAugust 26, 2022
Most employees simply focus on their work and assume that business acumen is for entrepreneurs or businesspeople. Yet, to do well in any profit or…
ReadingraphicsJuly 31, 2022
In our modern workplace, we're facing the demand for more, faster and bigger results. We’re flooded by endless information, emails, meetings and urgent requests, and…
ReadingraphicsApril 29, 2022
Everyone suffers from mental biases and blind spots. In this book, Julia Galef explains why it’s so hard to overcome our cognitive biases and how…
ReadingraphicsMarch 31, 2022
There are many books about leaders, but not contributors. Why do some people operate at their full potential while others underutilize their abilities? This book…
ReadingraphicsMarch 25, 2022
Great leaders leave a real legacy because of the people they impact. In this book, Tom Rath and Barry Conchie explain how to leverage your…
ReadingraphicsFebruary 28, 2022
The way we think affects not just our ability to succeed in a dynamic, fast-changing world; it also affects how we make sense of things…
ReadingraphicsJanuary 31, 2022
There are many books about productivity to help you do more in less time. However, instead of trying to cram more into each day, perhaps…
ReadingraphicsDecember 31, 2021
Entrepreneurs and business leaders often ask the wrong questions and try to do everything themselves. They ask “How can we do this?” or “How do…
ReadingraphicsDecember 31, 2021