Power is an integral part of our societies and lives. In this book, Robert Greene distills 3,000 years of history into 48 laws to help us understand how we can masterfully acquire power and avoid being manipulated or crushed by others. In this free version of The 48 Laws of Power summary, we’ll briefly outline the 48 laws of power.
The 48 Laws of Power: An Overview
No one likes being powerless, yet we don’t take well to power-hungry people due to our modern ideologies of fairness, equity etc. It’s important to realize that power is amoral—it’s neither good nor evil. You can choose how to use power once you have it, but it’d be foolish to dismiss power as bad or unimportant. In fact, there’s much that we can learn from the masterful scheming of the aristocratic courts of the past—those who can subtly charm, deceive and manipulate without others’ awareness can rise to power without others’ resentment or resistance.
Greene encourages us to think of power-play as a game. You can use this book to learn about power in general, or study and reflect deeply upon the ideas to truly understand people and the world you live in.
- Don’t judge people by their declared intentions, but the actual outcomes of their actions. People who claim to reject power due to moral values are often the true manipulators (or are simply naïve).
- To master the game of power, you must fundamentally shift your perspective, learn and practice new skills including the ability to master your emotions (so they won’t cloud your judgement), objectively examine the past and future (to learn and identify problems) and accept deception and masquerade as a part of human interaction (not something immoral or ugly).
Which are the 48 Laws of Power?
We’ll now introduce the 48 laws of power, and take a more detailed look at 4 of them. Do get more details on the remaining laws of power in our full 17-page version of The 48 Laws of Power summary.
- In your quest to impress the people above you, don’t flaunt your talents too much. If your superiors feel insecure, they’ll find ways to replace you. Even if you’re currently in favor, don’t take it for granted as you can easily fall out of favor with the wrong moves.
- Instead, make those above you seem superior and smarter than you, e.g. ask for their help and attribute your ideas to their great advice. Give them the limelight, and you’ll eventually attain the heights of power.
- Don’t hire your friends for familiarity or as a favor. Friends are more likely to envy and betray you and also limit your power since it’s harder to keep a professional distance. If you’re in a position of power, it’s better to hire people with the skills and competencies to advance your interests.
- In fact, your enemies can be more useful; use them to create a sense of danger or rally people to your cause. If you can win over a former enemy, he’ll also have more to prove and is likely to be more loyal than a friend.
- Many people are open books: they can’t control what they say or they mistakenly believe that honesty can win hearts. It’s better to retain the upper hand by hiding your goal till you’re ready to strike.
- Here are 2 effective tactics to conceal your true purpose:
(i) Throw people off the scent by pretending to support an idea or position that’s opposed to your true interest. Or, share a heartfelt thought on something unimportant—people will mistake your sincerity for honesty and believe you when you lie later on.
(ii) Distract and misdirect people with a smoke screen. Show them something they’re familiar with so they’ll let down their guard and be led in the direction you want them to go, without realizing your true intent. Combine this with other smoke screens e.g. a poker-face, noble gesture, or setting a pattern (then breaking it later).
- The more you say, the less impressive and in-control you seem to be and the higher the chance that you’d say something foolish.
- Powerful people tend to say little. This makes them impressive and intimidating; people can’t guess what they’re thinking and hang on to their every word and reaction. Short answers and silences also put people on the defensive; when they try to fill the silence by talking, they give away useful information.
Let’s recap the first 4 rules and take a peek at the remaining 44 laws. Here’s an overview of all 48 laws of power:
Law 1: Never outshine the master. Don’t flaunt your talents too much.
Law 2: Don’t overtrust your friends. Use your enemies.
Law 3: Mask your intentions. Keep your cards close to your chest.
Law 4: Always say less than necessary. You’ll maintain control better
Law 5: Protect your reputation at all costs, since your reputation shapes others’ expectations.
Law 6: Be conspicuous & stand out. Bad publicity is still publicity.
Law 7: Get others to do the work and take the credit. Save your time/energy while building your base.
Law 8: Make people come to you, so you hold all the cards.
Law 9: Win through actions, not argument. Prove your point without offending people.
Law 10: Don’t get infected by misery and misfortune. Associate with positive, successful people.
Law 11: Keep people dependent on you, so cutting you off is harder.
Law 12: Disarm people with strategic honesty & generosity–use these as tools to win even suspicious people over.
Law 13: Get help by appealing to self-interest, not goodness.
Law 14: Be a spy. Gather intelligence to know your opponents.
Law 15: Crush your enemy totally. Don’t give them a chance to recover.
Law 16: Raise your value through absence and scarcity. Don’t let people take you for granted.
Law 17: Keep others in suspense by being unpredictable. Keep them second-guessing.
Law 18: Don’t isolate yourself behind a fortress. Have eyes and ears everywhere.
Law 19: Know your opponents and who you’re dealing with, and never deceive the wrong person.
Law 20: Stay neutral as long as possible to maintain your independence (vs committing to 1 side).
Law 21: Make your victims feel smarter than you, so they drop their guard.
Law 22: Use surrender as a tool. Bide your time for retaliation.
Law 23: Concentrate your forces. Don’t spread them too thin.
Law 24: Be a masterful courtier to balance the various players and power brokers.
Law 25: Create your own identity and use it like a costume.
Law 26: Get others to do your dirty work, while keeping your hands clean.
Law 27: Create a cult-like following. Play on what people want to see/hear.
Law 28: Act boldly, so you seem confident.
Law 29: Plan till the end, so you won’t be caught by surprise.
Law 30: Make your achievements seem effortless. Don’t show your real success secrets.
Law 31: Control the options but let people think they’re in control.
Law 32: Play to people’s fantasies so they keep following you.
Law 33: Find your opponent’s fatal weakness to break their defences.
Law 34: Act in the way you want to be treated. Be regal and authoritative.
Law 35: Master the art of timing. Strike only at the right hour.
Law 36: Feign disinterest and ignore what you can’t have.
Law 37: Dazzle people with spectacles so they don’t see what you’re really doing.
Law 38: Hide your unorthodox thinking. Pretend to blend in.
Law 39: Stir up waters to catch the fish. Make your enemies angry while you stay calm.
Law 40: Beware the free lunch. There’re always strings attached.
Law 41: Chart a new course rather than try a big man’s shoes.
Law 42: Strike the shepherd to scatter the sheep. Isolate the leader.
Law 43: Win both hearts and minds. Appeal to both feelings and logic.
Law 44: Unbalance and confuse with the mirror effect (mask reality with illusion).
Law 45: Drastic reforms bring resistance. Instead, tackle change as a gentle improvement.
Law 46: Don’t seem too perfect or you’ll invite jealousy.
Law 47: Don’t push too far in victory. Know when to stop.
Law 48: Be unpredictable. Do not expose a visible plan.
Getting More From The 48 Laws of Power
Remember: these laws are meant to help us to understand and navigate power dynamics, not to manipulate or deceive others. If you’re ready to start mastering the game of power, do review all 48 laws at a glance with our complete summary bundle, which includes an infographic, 17-page text summary, and a 26-minute audio summary.
Although this voluminous book was published in 1998, the ideas remain timeless and relevant today. For each of the laws above, Greene presents a range of stories and examples involving kings, emperors, nobility and famous people from various countries and cultures over 3000 years of history. You can purchase the book here for a wide range of detailed examples, ranging from court politics and power struggles to courtship and warfare. Greene systematically lays out the laws, interpretation of the laws, stories to illustrate these laws and the exceptions to the laws if any.
If you love Robert Greene’s books, do also check out our summaries of Mastery and The Laws of Human Nature.
About the Author of The 48 Laws of Power
The 48 Laws of Power was written by Robert Greene—an American author best known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. Greene attended the University of California, Berkeley, before finishing his degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in classical studies. Before becoming an author, Greene estimates that he worked 80 jobs, including as a construction worker, translator, magazine editor, and Hollywood movie writer.
The 48 Laws of Power Quotes
“Those who make a show or display of innocence are the least innocent of all.”
“A person who cannot control his words shows that he cannot control himself, and is unworthy of respect.”
“Necessity rules the world…If you create no need for yourself, then you will be done away with at first opportunity.”
“Arm yourself with a little knowledge and your aim improves.”
“People love what is grand, spectacular, and larger than life. Appeal to their emotions and they will flock to your spectacle in hordes.”
Click here to download The 48 Laws of Power book summary and infographic
To have a better life I should start implementing these principles in my life. Thinking to start with these principles: never outshine the master, don’t over-trust on my friends, always say less than necessary, make people come to me, crush my enemy. Thanks.
Great ideas
Wow, I just can’t believe I’ve never heard of this book!! My friend turned me into it via Facebook and I am going to order the book this week!! Can’t wait!!
Great. hopefully, it will help me in my future political carrior
This was a big help at work. I had nasty coworkers who would try to make me do their work for them, they would constantly try to order me around in order to feel powerful. After reading this book, I learned how to mask my intentions, and sabotage them without direct action. I learned their weaknesses and used it. There was one guy who would take my ideas and introduce them to the boss as his own. So I started mentioning to him ideas of mine that were lame, then give the boss an idea that was great. Another one of my power-hungry coworkers, I heard his idea, told him it was silly, then quietly told the boss “my” suggestion. These guys eventually lost out.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
It is great , Since without power. we have no freedom of existence. I am amazed by the writer of “reading graphics.” How He could understood the laws in depth . I wish I will able to buy it someday when I have financial power
with regards
Shinseina Hikari Kaiyo
This is a book about narcissistic and manipulative behaviour mask as “self-help”. Please, read it with critical thinking and with your morals in mind.
It teaches people to outthink, outcompete and screw over the narcissists before they do it to you.
Thanks for sharing. These are great ideas and having a summary of them as a reference is useful too.
I enjoyed reading the summary and this is a must buy and read