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Book Summary – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary - Book summary

In this book, T. Harv Eker outlines how to identify and revise your money blueprint, to significantly increase your income and accumulate wealth. Using these principles, Eker personally moved from nothing to millionaire in 2½ years.  The idea is to combine your inner mind game (your tool box) with your outer game (the tools) to get rich. In this free Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary, we’ll give a synopsis of what’s your money blueprint, how to reset your internal thermostat/change your programming, and outline the 17 wealth files by Eker.

Your Money Blueprint

Your money blueprint is like your internal thermostat, or the default financial setting that you tend to fall back to. Your thermostat may be set such that you earn/possess only hundreds of dollars, or thousands, million and billions. That’s why poor people who win a lottery often don’t keep the money for long, and millionaires who go broke tend to build up their empire again quickly.

The only way to permanently change your level of financial success is to reset your financial thermostat, i.e. change your money blueprint.


We are born with no preconceptions about money. Everything we think, feel and do about money were taught to us and conditioned since young. This “programming” affects how we think, feel, act and eventually what results we get.

The 3 main sources of programming

Eker explains the 3 key sources of programming – verbal (what we were told since young), modelling (the people we model or rebel against), and specific incidents (experiences that shape our beliefs).

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary - the 3 key sources of programming: verbal programming, modeling, and life experiences

He also explains in detail how this program can be changed via 4 elements: Awareness, Understanding, Disassociation and Reconditioning. Get more details from our full  15-page Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary - how to change your programming in 4 steps

Using declarations

One of the key elements of Eker’s technique involves declarations. A declaration is a positive statement of intention that something will happen. It is different from an affirmation which is stated as if the goal is already happening. Declarations are powerful because they carry their own vibrational frequencies. Stating them aloud creates energy vibrations throughout the cells in your body, sending powerful messages to the universe and your subconscious mind.

For each principle, Eker provides a verbal “declaration”, which he recommends that you say out loud, emphatically. Please refer to our complete Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary for an overview of the key steps (and sample declarations) to change your programming and recreate your money blueprint.

The Wealth Files: 17 Ways Rich People Think & Act Differently

Computers run on logic and rules. Likewise, we make decisions based on what we believe is sensible at that point in time, based on the “files”, beliefs or logic in our minds.

Eker identifies 17 ways in which rich people think and act differently from the poor or middle-class. To develop a millionaire mind, we can consciously catch ourselves when we are using “poverty files” and switch to alternative “wealth files”.

The 17 wealth files in a nutshell:

#1: Rich people believe “I create my life”. Poor people believe “Life happens to me”.
#2: Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.
#3: Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.
#4: Rich people think big. Poor people think small.
#5: Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.
#6: Rich people admire other rich & successful people. Poor people resent rich & successful people.
#7: Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
#8: Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
#9: Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
#10: Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.
#11: Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
#12: Rich people think “both”. Poor people think “either/ or.”
#13: Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
#14: Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.
#15: Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.
#16: Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.
#17: Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

For each of the 17 wealth files in the book, Eker outlines the declarations and “millionaire mind actions” to be taken. Here’s an example for wealth file #1. For details for all 17 wealth files above, do get our complete book summary bundle.

#1: Rich people believe “I create my life”. Poor people believe “Life happens to me”.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary - example of wealth file 1: changing your wealth blueprint

Rich people believe they control their lives, while poor people believe they have little/no control and have a “victim mindset”:

Blame: The tendency to blame someone else or something for their circumstances (rather than take personal responsibility)
Justifications: Rationalizing and finding excuses for the lack of success e.g. “money is not that important” (rather than appreciate the importance and role of money in society).
Complaining: Expressing negativity and attracting more of what they are complaining about (what you focus on grows).

Getting More from Secrets of The Millionaire Mind

The ideas in this book are meant to be applied. T. Harv Eker invites you to really study the book, keep what works and throw away what doesn’t. For the principles to work, you need to be prepared to let go of old ways of thinking. You can consciously choose to release any belief, way of thinking or being, and replace them with new ones. Get more insights, tips and examples from our complete book summary bundle. This includes a one-page infographic summary in pdf, a 15-page text summary in pdf, and a30-min audio summary in mp3.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind summary - book summary bundle

In the book, Eker also shares many stories of his personal journey and real people he has met, many of whom are graduates of his Millionaire Mind Intensive course. You can can purchase the book here, visit their official website for additional resources.

If you enjoyed this summary, you may also enjoy The Secret summary which explains the Law of Attraction, and The Millionaire Fastlane summary which comes with specific strategies to fast-track your journey to massive wealth!

About the Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth was written by T. Harv Eker–a businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation. He was born in Toronto, Ontario Canada, and moved to the United States as a young adult. There, he started many different companies, and finally became a millionaire after achieving success with a chain of fitness stores but subsequently losing his fortune.

He started analyzing the relationships that rich people (vs poor people) have with their money, and shared the concept of the “financial blueprint” in his writing and speaking. Eker also founded Peak Potentials Training, which was acquired by Success Resources in 2011. Find out more at

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Quotes

“If you want to move to a higher level of life, you have to be willing to let go of some of your old ways of thinking and being and adopt new ones.”

“It’s not enough to be in the right place at the right time.  You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time.”

“Nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it.”

“The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want.”

“The secret to success is…to grow yourself so that you are bigger than any problem.”

“The habit of managing your money is more important than the amount.”

“If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.”

“The only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable.”

“If you live it, you know it. Otherwise, you heard about it, you read about it, or you talk about it, but you don’t know it.”

Click here to download the full book summary and infographic

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