What makes great leaders stand out from good ones? Former Navy SEAL William H. McRaven acknowledges that reaching that level is tough. After serving on…
ReadingraphicsJuly 5, 2024
What does it take to be an effective leader in complex times? Perhaps this question has come to mind when you faced challenges as a…
ReadingraphicsMay 11, 2024
Work-life balance has been popular for decades, and yet we still struggle to achieve it. Why? Because it was impossible to achieve in the first…
ReadingraphicsMarch 21, 2024
This is a step-by-step guide to Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal Method (or BuJo for short). This is an analog journaling system that combines productivity and…
ReadingraphicsMarch 30, 2023
No matter where are you are in life, you must plan ahead to move from where you are to where you want to be. In…
ReadingraphicsNovember 29, 2022
Most of us are used to annual planning over 12-month cycles. The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington explains why you should…
ReadingraphicsJune 24, 2019
Sun Tzu’s famous book, The Art of War, was written in about 500 B.C. and its timeless principles have been used widely in business and…
ReadingraphicsSeptember 21, 2018
Uncertainty is unavoidable in business. Every company has to face external forces that it cannot predict nor control. The question is, why do some companies…
ReadingraphicsJuly 15, 2018
U.S. Navy SEALs are probably one of the highest-performing military teams in the world. In Extreme Ownership, retired SEAL officers Jocko Willink and Leif Babin…
ReadingraphicsApril 25, 2018
Do you often find yourself regretting or abandoning a decision that you've made—be it choosing the wrong career, making a poor business decision, or buying…
ReadingraphicsFebruary 23, 2018