Everyone faces problems, be it students, working professionals, or a country’s prime minister. What do you do when you get stuck with a complex problem,…
ReadingraphicsApril 30, 2024
Have you ever wondered how you make decisions in the blink of an eye? In this book, Malcolm Gladwell uses scientific research, anecdotes, and expert…
ReadingraphicsSeptember 29, 2023
We are surrounded by systems—from the human body to organizational processes, and the global economy. This book by Derek Cabrera & Laura Cabrera presents 4…
ReadingraphicsApril 30, 2023
As our environment and work become more complex and less routine, problem-solving has become one of the most essential skills in the modern workplace. In…
ReadingraphicsDecember 30, 2022
Everyone suffers from mental biases and blind spots. In this book, Julia Galef explains why it’s so hard to overcome our cognitive biases and how…
ReadingraphicsMarch 31, 2022
The way we think affects not just our ability to succeed in a dynamic, fast-changing world; it also affects how we make sense of things…
ReadingraphicsJanuary 31, 2022
Good writing isn’t just about sound sentence structures or grammar; the key lies in the collection, organization and development of good ideas. This book by…
ReadingraphicsNovember 30, 2021
Leonardo da Vinci is considered by many to be the greatest genius of all time. He was simultaneously a world-class artist, architect, scientist, inventor, engineer,…
ReadingraphicsDecember 26, 2016
Six Thinking Hats® by Edward de Bono is a powerful technique that helps us to explore different perspectives towards a complex situation or challenge. It…
ReadingraphicsJune 21, 2015