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How Can Technology Be Helpful in Enhancing Business Operations?

Technology has changed the digital realm, impacting how we do business, and reshaping our daily lives. From advanced tools and technological devices, access to technology has opened up numerous opportunities. However, while the advantages of technology are substantial – providing extra time, reducing human error, and offering additional assistance – it’s not always easy to fit it into our business strategy. In this article, we’ll answer “how can technology be helpful” and zoom into how businesses can effectively approach using technology tools to enhance their operations.

Overview of the Benefits of Technology

As mentioned earlier, technological advances have reshaped industries, introducing powerful digital tools like smart mobile devices, social media platforms, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. However, as these advancements in technology bring both benefits and challenges such as the digital divide and technology addiction, it’s crucial to consider the impact of technology on business strategy carefully. Read more about disruptive technology in The Innovator’s Dilemma.

If you are counting on technology to create a breakthrough in your business, here’s a cautionary note: you may be placing your wagers on the wrong horse. While the adoption of technology offers a wide range of advantages, including increased access to digital tools and improved efficiency, it also presents potential drawbacks such as job displacement and privacy concerns. Let us elaborate.

In Good to Great by Jim Collins, the research team found that the best 11 companies, that made the successful transition from “good” to “great” out of 1,435 companies examined, had a few things in common. While they embraced technological advances, they recognized that technology alone wasn’t the driving force behind their success. Instead, they used it as an accelerator of momentum, ensuring it complemented their disciplined approach to leadership, their clear vision, and their long-term goals.

How Can Technology be Helpful: Technology as Accelerators

Rather than focus on technology as the “magic bullet” for strategic change and long-term success, these companies understand that technology cannot create momentum.  Instead, they get the fundamentals right in their organizations, then used technology as a powerful accelerator of momentum.

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Let’s say you wish to see greater creativity and cohesiveness in your team, develop a more dynamic culture, or perhaps you want to steer your organization in a whole new direction.

Here’s the big tip – technology isn’t going to create these changes and transformation for you.

The change has to start from other areas, such as having the right leaders, hiring the right people, identifying the core focus for your business…  With the right formula in place, technology then comes in as a powerful enabler and accelerator to multiply whatever successes you have created.

The reverse holds true – when you try to automate processes that don’t work, or use technology to deal with people (rather than systems) issues, things could just backfire. In summary:

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Are you jumping on the wrong bandwagon?

So, before you decide to jump on the next technology bandwagon that comes along, ask yourself:

• Are you trying to use technology as the key success factor in your transitions, or are you strategically using technology as a tool to amplify what already works?

• In selecting the technology to invest in, did you ensure that it fits tightly with your Hedgehog Concept (HC) and strengthens rather than dilutes your area of focus?

If you are indeed in the midst of a charting a major shift for your company, then here are a few important strategy books that you’d want to read: Blue Ocean Strategy, The Innovator’s Dilemma, Good to Great, and The Fifth Discipline.  You can digest all 4 books in just minutes using our book summaries and reading graphics.  Or, get free daily tips when you register for free with us!

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