To succeed, companies must constantly attract, retain and leverage smart, creative talents on a large scale. However, it’s not easy to get high-calibre people to…
ReadingraphicsNovember 13, 2019
In their earlier book, Extreme Ownership, former US Navy SEALs, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, shared 12 leadership principles that have enabled elite SEAL leaders and…
ReadingraphicsOctober 23, 2019
Building a successful business involves so many things that it can be overwhelming. Specifically, to grow a profitable, thriving enterprise, you need both leadership and…
ReadingraphicsSeptember 29, 2019
Businesses must make money to survive and succeed. Yet, most employees don’t understand business financials nor how their salaried jobs are tied to the company’s…
ReadingraphicsJuly 26, 2019
Turn the Ship Around! tells the story of how Captain David Marquet successfully transformed the USS Santa Fe in less than a year, from the…
ReadingraphicsJune 30, 2019
The Entrepreneurial Operating System®, or EOS®, is a set of comprehensive processes and tools to help leadership teams overcome key business challenges, gain control of…
ReadingraphicsFebruary 27, 2019
Most businesses follow an S-shaped life-cycle. They start small (like mice) and many die. A small percentage successfully scale up rapidly (like gazelles) into companies…
ReadingraphicsJanuary 29, 2019
Often, leaders know the strategic plan, but struggle to execute it. Indeed, even if we know broadly what we must do, we may not know…
ReadingraphicsJanuary 17, 2019
Great teams are essential for success in any organization. To have great teams, you need great team players. In this book, Patrick Lencioni explains how…
ReadingraphicsDecember 14, 2018
Our world today is full of rapid, unpredictable changes and complex inter-dependencies. Traditional organizational models—which are built on efficiency and optimizing predictable systems—are no longer…
ReadingraphicsNovember 23, 2018
As humanity evolves, our old/existing models of organization may be inadequate for our new needs, aspirations and challenges. In this book, Frederic Laloux introduces the…
ReadingraphicsOctober 14, 2018
Sun Tzu’s famous book, The Art of War, was written in about 500 B.C. and its timeless principles have been used widely in business and…
ReadingraphicsSeptember 21, 2018
Any organization without a sound strategy is bound to fail. Yet, most leaders don’t truly understand strategy nor how to apply it. This book by…
ReadingraphicsAugust 31, 2018
Great bosses retain talent and deliver superior results, while bad bosses do the opposite. This book explains how you can become a kickass boss to…
ReadingraphicsAugust 17, 2018
U.S. Navy SEALs are probably one of the highest-performing military teams in the world. In Extreme Ownership, retired SEAL officers Jocko Willink and Leif Babin…
ReadingraphicsApril 25, 2018
Organizational health refers to how well an institution’s components (e.g. strategy, culture, management, operations) fit together so it can function consistently as a whole. In…
ReadingraphicsMarch 15, 2018
Coaching is increasingly recognized as an important aspect of leadership and development. Yet, most of us don’t receive nor deliver effective coaching. In this book,…
ReadingraphicsJanuary 23, 2018
Many people believe that to be an achiever or a great leader, you must be bold, action-oriented, outgoing, and aggressive, i.e. you must be an…
ReadingraphicsDecember 10, 2017
Just like how birds migrate in flocks and cattle move in herds, human beings naturally organize ourselves in tribes. In this book, Dave Logan, John…
ReadingraphicsOctober 30, 2017
Your mindset—how you see yourself—shapes how you respond to people and events, to affect your outcomes. In this book, Carol Dweck draws on 20 years…
ReadingraphicsOctober 9, 2017