All businesses need money. Even non-profit organizations need money to survive. Yet, most managers without finance or accounting training are lost with business numbers. This…
ReadingraphicsJune 30, 2021
Many young people are living from paycheck to paycheck, with no savings and no plans for their financial future. This book presents a 6-week program…
ReadingraphicsJuly 30, 2020
A shocking number of Americans are in poor financial health. 88% of graduating college students have credit-card debts before they have jobs, 60% of Americans…
ReadingraphicsMay 31, 2019
In 1926, George Clason published a series of 8 parables set in the ancient city of Babylon, which later became this classic financial literature. This…
ReadingraphicsNovember 17, 2017
Why do the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer? Why do the educated middle class have a successful career, yet struggle with their…
ReadingraphicsNovember 6, 2016