Looking for practical tips to improve your health, wealth, and wisdom? Tim Ferriss' Tools of Titans compiles actionable insights, habits, and routines from some of…
ReadingraphicsAugust 31, 2024
Do you sometimes wonder why some people seem to achieve success effortlessly while others struggle at every turn? The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph…
ReadingraphicsMay 30, 2024
Most investors are familiar with Warren Buffett and his concepts on value investing. But, not many know that Buffett learned those ideas from his former…
ReadingraphicsOctober 29, 2023
Most of us are taught to get a good degree, get a good job, work hard, save, invest, and hopefully retire rich by 65. However,…
ReadingraphicsSeptember 30, 2022
Most employees simply focus on their work and assume that business acumen is for entrepreneurs or businesspeople. Yet, to do well in any profit or…
ReadingraphicsJuly 31, 2022
Many entrepreneurs struggle to understand and manage their finances. Greg Crabtree is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who has worked with banks, financial institutions, and…
ReadingraphicsApril 29, 2022
Many finance books focus on the technical aspects of money and investment, e.g. how to select stocks or build a portfolio. In this book, Morgan…
ReadingraphicsAugust 28, 2021
All businesses need money. Even non-profit organizations need money to survive. Yet, most managers without finance or accounting training are lost with business numbers. This…
ReadingraphicsJune 30, 2021
Many young people are living from paycheck to paycheck, with no savings and no plans for their financial future. This book presents a 6-week program…
ReadingraphicsJuly 30, 2020
Often, we get readers asking us questions like, "what are the best books to read", "what are the best business books", "what are the best…
ReadingraphicsOctober 10, 2019
Businesses must make money to survive and succeed. Yet, most employees don’t understand business financials nor how their salaried jobs are tied to the company’s…
ReadingraphicsJuly 26, 2019
A shocking number of Americans are in poor financial health. 88% of graduating college students have credit-card debts before they have jobs, 60% of Americans…
ReadingraphicsMay 31, 2019
Money is the foundation of any business. Without money, you can’t deliver your solutions, spread your message, create an impact or gain your financial freedom.…
ReadingraphicsMarch 31, 2019
"Value Creation". We hear these 2 words a lot in business, work and life. What does it really mean, and how can you create value…
ReadingraphicsApril 6, 2018
First published in 1910, this was one of the earliest self-help books that explained how to acquire wealth in a scientific way based on metaphysical…
ReadingraphicsMarch 24, 2018
In 1926, George Clason published a series of 8 parables set in the ancient city of Babylon, which later became this classic financial literature. This…
ReadingraphicsNovember 17, 2017
Economic analysis can be useful for investors, business, and government policy makers. Yet, economic concepts can seem complex because of all the bars, charts and…
ReadingraphicsOctober 5, 2017
Did you know that most of us are really bad at evaluating risks and returns? Most people want to believe we can assess our gains…
ReadingraphicsJuly 30, 2017
The Secret is the Law of Attraction, which says that “like attracts like”, and our thoughts create our lives. In this book, Rhonda Byrne sheds…
ReadingraphicsJuly 7, 2017
In this book, Tony Robbins shares tips from financial gurus like Warren Buffett, Alan Greenspan and David Swensen, on the rules of the financial game,…
ReadingraphicsJune 25, 2017