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Book Summary – Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Nudge - Book summary

Our behaviors can be influenced by seemingly small but insignificant nudges. This book by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein explains key behavioral economics principles and how nudges can be used to help people make better decisions at individual, national and global levels (from financial well-being to organ donation and climate change). In this free Nudge summary, you’ll learn about key behavioral economics principles, tools for choice artchitecture, and the authors’ recommend libertarian paternalism approach to nudge people toward better outcomes (as defined by them).

Nudge: An Overview

The book Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein was first published in 2008, and popularized the concept of using behavioral sciences in public policy and managerial practices. This Final Edition includes additional materials, updated examples, and recommendations for policy-makers to design systems that can generate even more positive impact.

The book includes loads of detailed examples and case studies, with discussions on the nuances and complexities of nudges, especially when applied at a societal, national or  global level. In our Nudge summary, we’ve distilled and organized the key insights into 3 main parts:

  • Behavioral Economics, Choice Architecture and Nudges
  • Nudges to Improve Financial Well-Being
  • Nudges to Serve the Wider Good

Behavioral Economics, Choice Architecture & Nudges

Key Behavioral Economics Concepts

Traditional economics assumes that humans are rational beings who make optimal decisions to maximize their utility. In reality, we frequently make poor decisions due to cognitive flaws, emotional impulses, lack of information or self-control. Behavioral Economics blends economics and psychology to help us understand why and how people behave the way they do in the real world.

Renowned economist and psychologist Daniel Kahneman explained that we think using 2 cognitive systems:

1. The Automatic System is fast, instinctive, effortless, and associative. It allows us to make countless decisions daily without conscious thought.

2. The Reflective System is slow, deliberate, effortful, and deductive. This is the conscious, deliberate process that we associate with “thinking”.

Our brain uses a range of heuristics or mental shortcuts to make decisions quickly.  However, these can lead to biases and blunders. In our full Nudge summary, we explain several key heuristics including: anchoring, availability, representativeness, loss-aversion, and the status quo bias.

We also make bad decisions due to a lack of self-control, i.e. we give in to temptation and mindlessness. For example, you may prefer to go for a run but end up watching TV.

Finally, our decisions are strongly affected by social influences. We tend to conform to group norms because of peer pressure and explicit/implied information about what’s good for us (or what we should do). In our full 19-page summary, we’ll explain when  we’re the most likely to conform, how “informational cascades” and “pluralistic ignorance” work, and how our sense of identity influence what we do (or won’t do).

In short, humans naturally make mistakes and bad decisions. It’s possible to use nudges to help people make better decisions while still retaining their freedom of choice. A nudge refers to anything that shifts people’s behavior in a predictable way, without the use of drastic disincentives (e.g. fines or bans). For example, you can nudge students to eat healthier foods just by changing the layout of the stalls in a cafeteria.

Nudge summary - Overview of key ideas

Libertarian Paternalism

The question is: which direction should you nudge people toward? The authors propose Libertarian Paternalism as the ideal approach. This combines libertarianism (giving the freedom of choice) and paternalism (influencing people to act in ways that make their lives better, as defined by them).

In short, you’re helping people to make the choices they would’ve made if they had perfect information, attention, self-control, and no biases. The golden rule is to offer nudges which are the most likely to help and the least likely to inflict harm. There are 3 important misconceptions to straighten out at this phase:

  • There’s no such thing as a “neutral” design. Everything—from a website to an office layout—has a design that nudges people in some way.
  • More choices may not mean better outcomes since we don’t always choose wisely. At times, we also prefer not to choose, e.g. when we ask for recommendations at a restaurant.
  • Paternalism ≠ coercion. Nudges are about influencing behaviors without harsh laws or prohibitions.

In our full Nudge summary, we’ll elaborate more on:

  • The key arguments for and against Libertarian Paternalism;
  • When nudges are most useful (i.e. when our mental gaps and emotional impulses may be at their worst);  and
  • Various tools for choice architects including: defaults, feedback, decision maps, self-nudges, filters, prices/incentives, smart disclosures, social influences. well-curated options, or even fun.

Removing Sludge

The ultimate goal of nudges is to make it easy for users to make good decisions. Sludge does the opposite, creating friction to make it harder for people to get a better outcome (as defined by them). This could come from red tape or deliberate attempts to discourage people from certain actions (e.g. making it hard for people to unsubsribe). Do check out our full Nudge summary for (i) examples of sludge (including a comparison of the US’ sludgy tax system compared to other countries’), (ii) costs of sludge and (iii) ways to de-sludge.

Applying Nudges in the Real World

Nudges can be used by both government and private institutions, though they’re the most impactful in public policies and regulations.

Thaler and Sunstein used many detailed case studies to illustrate how nudges can be applied to real-world challenges, along with their observations of what works, what doesn’t and what are some of the dilemmas that policy makers must grapple with.

There are way too much details to be included here. So, we’ll just outline some of the applications or examples you can expect in the book or our full 19-page summary.

Nudges to Improve Financial Well-Being

Thaler and Sunstein discuss how governments can help people to save for retirement, manage debts, and insure themselves intelligently. They also offer some tips for individuals. Specifically:

  • Governments worldwide have had to rethink their retirement schemes as people live longer and have fewer children. The authors (i) explain the US’ and UK’s  solution, (ii) dive into a detailed study of the Swedish system (which offers many insights about human behavior and how nudges can work or backfire), and (iii) share their recommendations for the Swedish system and for retirement plans in general.
  • With easily-available credit, people can get laden with debt. Thaler and Sunstein share how various choice architecture tools or nudges can be used to protect consumers against against (i) crippling credit card debts and (ii) unethical market behaviors for housing mortgages.
  • The ultimate goal of insurance is to protect against financial ruin from rare but major disasters (e.g. critical illnesses or a fire destroying your home). The book covers several dos and don’ts, with recommended nudges for people to make smarter insurance choices.

Society/Environment: Nudges for the Wider Good

  • In many cases, default opt-ins can be one of the most effective nudges to get people onboard something that’s good for them. However, organ donation may be an exception because it involves 3 different groups of key stakeholders (patients, donors and their families) and is highly sensitive. The authors discuss various possible approaches and their pros/cons, including innovative nudges adopted by some countries like Singapore and Israel.
  • Climate change is one of the most complex challenges facing the global community. The authors used behavioral economics to explain why so little has been done to date (e.g. factors  like present bias, free-riding, lack of salience and feedback).  Unfortunately, nudges alone cannot solve the problem. Hence, the authors recommend an “all tools on deck” approach with a mix of regulations, incentives, penalties, and interventions.

Getting the Most from Nudge

Basically, active choosing isn’t always viable, nor will it always bring the best outcomes. Nudges are helpful for guiding people in a certain direction. Yet, choice architects are not infallible, so it’s important to let people have the freedom to make the final choice wherever possible. At times, additional incentives, mandates and bans may also be necessary for severe or complex issues. If you want to learn more about behavioral economics, choice architecture, libertarian paternalism and nudges, do check out the our full book summary bundle. This includes an infographic, a 19-page text summary, and a 31-minute audio summary.Nudge summary - book summary bundle

This book is filled with detailed examples, case studies and statistics to illustrate the complexity, nuances and applications of behavioral economics in the real world. Each of the examples in this summary are discussed at length in the book, along with additional examples including aviation security, GDPR, education and financial assistance. You can purchase the book here or visit for more details and information.

To learn more about mental heuristics, do check out our Thinking, Fast and Slow summary.

About the Authors of Nudge

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness is written by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein.

Richard H. Thaler is an American economist and the Charles R. Walgreen Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. In 2017, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to behavioral economics. He was the president of the American Economic Association in 2015, and was elected a member in the National Academy of Sciences in 2018. Thaler holds a B.A. degree from Case Western Reserve University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. degree from the University of Rochester.

Cass Robert Sunstein is an American legal scholar known for his work in behavioral economics and constitutional, administrative and environmental law. From 2009-2012, he was the Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration. He’s a professor at the University of Chicago Law School and the Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School.

Nudge Quotes

“Nudges are generally designed to help people find the right means to their own ends.”

“Sometimes, information can be a surprisingly strong motivator.”

“A primary function of prompted choice is overcoming procrastination, inertia, and limited attention.”

“A market for advice does not guarantee that the advice will be good.”

“If the goal is to make it really easy, make it automatic.”

“By properly deploying both incentives and nudges, we can improve our ability to improve people’s lives, and help solve many of society’s major problems. And we can do so while still insisting on everyone’s freedom to choose.”

Click here to download the Nudge summary & infographic

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